Season 1 Episode 22
Air Date: February 2, 1979
Recap: JR took Julie along on his business trip, it looks like he’s
spending more time with her than with work.
She asks him if it bothers him that she betrayed him to Cliff. He changes the subject, and she tells him
that she only wants to know what he’s thinking.
It seems pretty clear to me what he’s thinking.
Cliff has been appointed Chief of the Bureau of Land Management;
he tells the man who's given him the appointment, that he’s going to bury JR.
Cliff calls Southfork and Sue Ellen answers, she tells him that they agreed
that they weren’t going to do this anymore, and he tells her he called for
Pam. He tells her he wants to talk, she
doesn’t have anything to say to him, but she agrees have dinner with him. His
phone has been tapped.
Jock and Miss Ellie are going to go to Fort Worth to buy
some cattle.
In Bobby’s office, he’s showing Ray some plans for his
house, he doesn’t know if he wants to build a house now, they talk about what
JR and Garnet, Bobby tells Ray that JR isn’t the only one to blame for that, he
didn’t hold a gun to her head. Ray tells
Bobby about his investigation about the oil drilling on Southfork land. He tells him about the man Charlie Waters,
that he is looking for. Bobby tells him
that he’ll help him.
Cliff is having a meeting with his new committee; he wants
to start an investigation into JR Ewing.
JR gets a call from one of the men that was in that meeting
and he tells JR all about what Cliff is planning.
Cliff tells Pam that he didn’t think she would come, she
tells him that she said she would. He
tells her that the affair with Sue Ellen is over, before Bobby gets there, he
asks if he knows about it, she tells him that she never said anything to
him. When Bobby gets to the table he
looks at the really cheap bottle of wine Cliff ordered, and when Cliff said
that when he invited them he wasn’t planning on spending a lot on them, he
pulls out two large sandwiches for him and Pam, she thinks this is really
JR says goodbye to Julie when they get back to her apartment
after their trip, she starts to unpack and notices things have been moved. She realizes that JR had her room searched,
she knows that he won’t find what he’s looking for because he doesn’t know
where to look.
Ray goes to look for Charlie Waters again, and this time
he’s there, he and a bunch of his buddy’s beat Ray up.
As they walk to the house, Bobby asks Pam what’s going on
between her and her brother, Ray comes out of the shadows and asks to talk to
Bobby. He sees that Ray has been beat up
pretty badly, Ray tells him that it was Charlie Waters, he knows that JR must
have something to do with this now.
Bobby says that he wants to keep this from Jock till they know a bit
Julie is waiting outside for Cliff at a restaurant, he joins
her at her table, Cliff is surprised to find out that she isn’t working for
JR. He tells her that he’ll buy more
info on JR, but she says he can’t buy what she has. He tells her that JR hasn’t hurt her yet. They are being watched by a man at another
JR meets with Charlie, he tells him that he’s made a mess,
and he wants him out of the country.
Miss Ellie and Jock come home, she was a big help to
him. Bobby gets a phone call where he
learns that Charlie is now in Mexico, Jock over hears this and tells Bobby that
Charlie used to work for them, but he was fired 5 years ago for stealing
Willie Joe and Jeb are waiting for JR in his office, he asks
what they want, they are concerned about a few things, but he tells them that
they struck oil in the pan handle, which makes them forget part of the reason
they came, they tell him about Julie seeing Cliff. JR tells them that he can handle Julie.
JR goes to Julie’s and tells her he knows about her seeing
Cliff at lunch. After they’ve slept
together he gets dressed and tells her he wants her to start sleeping with
Cliff so she can report back to him. She
doesn’t look happy about this.
JR checks in with his private investigator, he tells JR
about Cliff’s phone calls, and that Sue Ellen hasn’t called him.
Bobby confronts JR about section 40, but somehow JR manages
not to tell Bobby anything.
Julie calls Cliff, leaving him a message that he was right
and that she is ready to give him what he wants. She takes a safety deposit key that was taped
to the bottom of the drawer and puts it in an envelope and mails it.
The man listening to the phone calls, calls Willie Joe or
Jeb, I’m not sure who is who, and tells him about Julie’s call to Cliff.
Cliff gets home and listens to his messages, he goes right
back out.
Willie Joe or Jeb knock at Julie’s door, they tell her that
she needs to leave town, she realizes that they were listening to her phone
calls, she asks if JR sent them. She
sneaks out of her apartment when he thinks she’s packing. But the other guy is down stair waiting, she
is surrounded.
Cliff gets to her apartment, and goes inside.
Julie gets to the roof followed by Willie Joe and Jeb, who
begin to search for her.
Cliff goes into her apartment looking for her.
When they find Julie, there is a struggle and she falls to
her death.
The next morning Jock reads the paper and learns about
Julie’s death, they don’t know if it was suicide or murder. JR leaves the table and Bobby comes to him to
see if there’s anything he can do. JR
tells him to leave him alone.
The police go to Cliff’s apartment, he doesn’t know about
Julie, they tell him that they want to question him downtown, he asks if he’s
being arrested and they tell him no.
JR gets the recording of Julie’s message to Cliff, the
private investigator tells JR that he can’t use it because it was obtained
illegally, but JR calls the police and tells them about Cliff’s answering
machine and that Julie left a message.
The police are going to play the recording and tell Cliff
that they are going to arrest him. Pam
goes to visit Cliff, he tells her that Julie’s message sounded like he was
blackmailing her, but he thinks that JR has framed him.
Pam gets home and confronts JR about framing Cliff, she goes
upstairs and packs, she tells Bobby that she just needs to get away for awhile,
JR and Sue Ellen are watching as she leaves.
Sue Ellen asks him how he could do it
Final Thought: JR has got to get rid of those two, they are nothing but trouble. You have to feel bad for Cliff, but I don't get why he would automatically think that JR is framing him, he would have to know that JR had his phone's tapped. I'm probably looking to much into it.

Best Outfit: JR has an ascot for the morning and one for the office.
Fight Count: 2 (Ray vs Charlie Waters and Gang) (Pam vs JR)
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