Friday, January 27, 2012

The Tangled Vines

Falcon Crest
Season 1 Episode 3
Air Date:  December 18, 1981   

Recap:  Maggie and Vicky are fixing the stone work around the door, they talk about the move to California.  Chase gets home and goes to find Cole, who is out in the fields, he was supposed to wait for Chase.  He tips the tracker, because of he didn’t see the ditch, Chase gets upset with him for not waiting.
   Angela is working on a bust of her father, she tells Lance that she wants to take Cole and Vicky out, she tells him she wants to know everything that is going on at their vineyard.
   While Maggie and Chase are getting ready for the dinner at Angela’s, they talk about the taxes they owe on the house, they don’t have the money to pay them.
   Angela tells Chase that his harvest looks good, she offers him an advance on his crops.  He says he’ll think about it, the offer is low.
   Vicky and Cole are with Lance at a bar, they are telling him about how they don’t really feel at home here, and that they don’t really have any interest in the vineyard.  Lance suggests that Cole follow his dream to work at an archaeological site.
   Emma comes down after the party is over, she is beginning to remember what happened to Jason, which worries Angela.
   Chase wants Cole just to wait a bit before he goes to work at the dig, but Cole can’t wait, he’s going to go.
   Julia tells Angela that Chase’s soil is the best in the valley to produce superior grapes.  Julia wants to know if Angela is going to destroy Chase just like she did with his father, she tells Julia to mind her own business.
   Gus tells Chase about a buyer who’s always wanted to buy Jason’s grapes.  Chase goes over to talk to Carl.  When he gets back he tells Maggie that he’s agreed to buy their crops and will give them the advance that they need.
   Angela has asked Carl over for dinner, he wants to know what she wants, she tells him it’s just to be neighborly, but then goes on and on about how that Chase’s grapes are family grapes.  He tells her that he made an agreement with Chase and he intends to stick to his agreement.
   Angela buys Carl’s mortgage, and Lance goes over acting like his a friend, but lets him know what Angela’s done.  Lance tells him he would like to know how he’s going to tell Chase he can’t buy his grapes after all, he tells Lance to get off his property.
   Carl goes to Chase and tells him that his lawyer told him that he didn’t have enough money to give them the advance, and that the deal is off.
   Chase and Maggie go to Angela’s, Julia is about to tell them that she knows why Carl backed out, but is stopped by Angela.  Chase wants Angela to pay more than her original offer since Carl’s offer was higher than hers was, but she tells him that she’ll wait till his crop comes in to be sure that it will be a good harvest after all.  She suggests that they go to the bank to ask for a loan.  Julia tells her that she’s got them right where she wants them.
   At the bank the vice president is with Chase and Maggie he tells them that he’ll get back to them the next day, but he’s sure that they will get the loan.
   Lance and Cole go out for a beer, he asks Cole how things are going, now that he’s doing what he wanted.  The bartender tells them that it’s closing time, Lance gives the guy a hard time, but leaves.  He offers to drive Cole’s jeep home, he backs into the building knocking down the fence to the patio. 
   Chase and Maggie are back at the bank waiting for the vice president.  He tells them that they were declined for the loan, Chase gets mad and tells him that he’s going to sue the bank for discrimination.
  Cole tells Vicky that the bank declined the loan, they both say that they didn’t want things to end up like this.  They go back to the bar, Cole talks to the bartender, he wants to pay for the damage, but he tells that Lance already paid and that he told him that it was Cole who did the damage.  They both realize that their cousin isn’t a friend of theirs after all.
   Chase and Maggie discuss their options, he tells her that if they sell their apartment in New York then it would more than cover the taxes.  They call a family meeting and tell the kids what they are thinking, but want to know what they think.  Cole agrees right away, Vicky is more reluctant, but agrees.
   They invite Angela, Lance and Julia to their house to give them the news.  Angela is very surprised by the news, but you can see that this isn’t the news that she was expecting.  The only one who’s happy about the news is Julia.
Final Thoughts:  I'm a bit confused how Chase knows that Angela wants his land and for him to fail, I don't know if I missed something in a previous episode or not.
Best Outfit:  I wish I could have seen this from the front, it ugly from the back so I'm sure it's just as ugly in the front.
Fight Count:  0

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