Monday, March 26, 2012

The Lost Child

Season 2 Episode 7
Air Date:  November 2, 1979

Recap:  Ray and Bobby pick out a few to help them with the ranch, Bobby picks a man and his young son to help.
   JR follows Sue Ellen to her car and asks her what she does all day, she asks him why he wants to know, she doesn’t pry into his business.
   Bobby joins the family just as Pam  is leaving for work, he tells her about the boy who’s name is Luke.
   JR gees into the office, Kristin asks him if he going to come over after work, he tells her that he can’t today, then asks her to call his private investigator for him, when she asks him why he want to talk to him, he won’t tell her.  JR tells the investigator that he wants him to follow Sue Ellen.
   Sue Ellen is seeing a therapist, she tells him that she’s been so unhappy, and she doesn’t’ want to be that way anymore, she tells him that she wants to be a good mother, and not to depend on others anymore.
   Pam and Cliff are walking in the park, he tells her about the talk of him running for congress, she asks if he’s considering it.  She tells him that she still hasn’t said anything to Bobby about the disease.  When she gets home she finds Bobby playing with Luke.
   Bobby and Luke have lunch together and talk, he tells Bobby that his father wants to move to Montana, but he likes Texas.  Ray comes over and tells Bobby that Luke’s father was bitten by a rattlesnake..  They race over to him, and Bobby promises him that he will take care of Luke until he is better.
   Sue Ellen runs into Kristin and JR, who are coming back from lunch.  Kristin asks if he thinks Sue Ellen knows about them, he asks her if she cares if she knows.
   The private investigator calls JR and tells her that he followed Sue Ellen and he doesn’t know anything yet.
   Jock is talking to the doctor’s about Luke’s father, he toll him that he will pay for all the hospital bills.  JR gets home, and Jock asks if he set up the trust fund yet.  JR tells him that he hasn’t’ had a chance yet.  He asks if his father told him mother about Amanda yet.  Jock tells him that he will, and that he needs to set up the trust fund tomorrow or he’ll come down and do it himself.
   Ray tells Bobby that Luke’s father needs rest, and that they will need to hire someone else, Luke tells them that he can do it.
   JR tries to get Sue Ellen what she is doing in town, she won’t tell him anything.
   Bobby tells Luke to clean up so he can have dinner at the house, but Luke tells him that he has to eat with the other ranch hands.  Bobby asks him if he would like to go to the movies, Like agrees.
   When they get back Pam and Bobby talk about Luke, he tells her that he really care about Luke, but he will love there baby more.  She asks him what if they couldn’t have a baby.  He tells her to stop worrying.     In the morning she wakes up and finds Bobby gone.  When she goes outside Jock and Miss Ellie tells her that he went riding with Luke, she tells them that she’s going to go for a ride too.
   Bobby and Luke see Pam riding toward them.  A rattlesnake strikes at her horse causing her to be thrown from her horse.
   At the hospital, Pam asks Bobby about the baby, he tells her not to worry and just sleep.  The doctor comes in and asks him to leave.  He tells him that they will call him as soon as she wakes up.  He tells Bobby that losing a child is hard, but that they are both young.
   JR gets a call from the investigator who tells him that Sue Ellen is seeing a therapist. 
   Bobby asks Luke how is father is doing, Luke asks him if Pam is going to die.  Bobby tells him she isn’t but that their baby died.  Luke tells him that his mother died because he was born.  Bobby tells him it wasn’t his fault.
   JR gets home and confronts Sue Ellen about her seeing a therapist.  She tells him that she is trying to get her life together, and she needs to figure out what happened to make everything such a mess.  He calls her a tramp.  She asks him what he is more worried about that she will sleep with her therapist or that she might say something that he doesn’t want her to talk about.
   Bobby goes to visit Pam, he tells her that as much as he wanted the baby, he wants her safe and happy.     She tells him that there can’t be anymore children, he tells her that she she will change her mind, she tells him that she won’t and then tells him about the disease.  She tells him that she wanted to tell him before, but couldn’t.  He asks about Baby John, she tells him that they won’t know anything for a couple months.  She tells him how sorry she is.
   Digger and Cliff go to visit Pam, she promises to call them when gets home.  Cliff and Digger go sit outside, Digger tells him that he really wanted to be a grandfather, Cliff tells him that Bobby and Pam will adopt, he says that isnt’ the same thing.  Cliff then confesses to his father about his affair with Sue Ellen and that he is the father of Sue Ellen’s baby.  And he promises to get the baby back into his life.
   When Bobby gets home he tells his parents that the doctor said Pam is fine, but it’s too soon to tell if they can have more children.
   The next day Luke tells Bobby that they are going to go to Montana, but he doesn’t want to go since he will never see him again.  Bobby promises him that they will see each other again.
   Cliff tells Bobby his sorry and that he knows how he feels, since he can’t see his son who might be dying.
   When Bobby brings Pam home, Sue Ellen tells her how sorry she is, she asks her how she feels, when Pam tells her that she feels empty, Sue Ellen tells her it will pass.
   Luke and Bobby say goodbye, they start to drive away, but Luke stops his father, and runs to hug Bobby, while Pam and Miss Ellie watch.
Final Thoughts:  Of course Pam would lose her baby, I'm glad that she finally told Bobby, they just need to adopt a baby.  And it's about time Sue Ellen went to a therapist. 
Best Outfit:   This looks like its a huge shirt.  I think it would look a lot better if it had a belt.

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