Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Heir Apparent

Falcon Crest
Season 1 Episode 15
Air Date:  March 19, 1982
Recap:  Maggie gets off the phone and tells Chase that Julia will be able to come to the party, but Angela won’t be coming.  When Julia arrives later that night, she tells them that she is glad that they are speaking to each other again.  Carl arrives not long after Julia and congratulates Chase on his first six months at the vineyard.  He tells Chase he heard about him questioning the medical examiner, he tells him that he doesn’t want that to get in the way of what Chase is supposed to be doing in office.
   Emma walks over and watches the party through the window.  She starts dancing as she watches the party.
Angela comes home and is upset to see Lance sitting around.  She tells him to get back to work. 
   Chase looks outside and sees Emma, he goes out to her, she tells him that she’s having a great time, and then tells him that she is sorry about the night Jason died.  He asks her what happened, but before she can say anything Julia comes out and stops her.  When they are alone Emma tells Julia that she is going to stay at the party and if she doesn’t let her then she will tell Chase about his father. 
   Vicky and Cole are upstairs with their friends, they are all talking while drinking wine.  Cole’s friend Bill wants him and Melissa to go with them to the cabin, but Cole tell him that they got plans already.  They all go their separate ways, Cole and Melissa go to the Spring House.  Bill is going really fast, his girlfriend, Anna tells him to slow down.  But it’s too late and they crash.
   Cole asks Melissa why she is still seeing other guys, he tells her that he is falling in love with her, but she tells him that she isn’t ready to get emotionally involved.
   Maggie tells Chase that he should back off, but he tells her that he can’t he knows that Emma knows something.
   When Julia and Emma get home, Angela is upset that Julia let her go to the party, once Emma is upstairs Julia tells her that Emma blackmailed her into letting her stay.
   Carl comes over the next day and asks if Cole got home ok, since his son Bill hasn’t come home yet. 
   Angela tells Lance that he has to take Melissa to the Country Club Cotillion.  He tells her that he has plans already, but Angela won’t except it.
   Maggie gets a call from Anne’s mother, she hasn’t come home either, Chase goes upstairs to wake Cole up to see if he knows anything.
   Angela is with the sheriff, eh tells her that Case is asking the medical examiner questions.  He doesn’t want to lose his job since he helped her keep things quit.
   Vicky and Cole get to the cabin and find no one there, Vicky goes out to the pier and calls Cole, she sees Bill’s car.
   At Bill and Anne’s funeral, the priest reads a poem that Bill wrote, Cole can’t take it anymore and leaves the church, Melissa follows him outside.  She tries to convince him that it wasn’t his fault, but he won’t listen and drives off.
    Angela’s lawyer comes over and tells her that Chase will demand an inquest.  She asks him what he suggests she do.  He asks her what she thinks Chase wants, she says he wants the control of Falcon Crest.  He tells her that she should give it to him, at least make it seem like she will be giving it to him.  He says that he will draw up the papers and that Chase will forget he even had a father after he hears about this. 
   Maggie goes to check on Cole, she tells him that she wishes he would talk to her, but he tells her that he is fine and just wants to be alone.
   Chase tells Vicky that he feels responsible for Anne and Bill’s death, she tells him that she was with them too, and asks him is she is responsible.
   Julia goes to visits her father in the hospital.  He asks her about Emma, she tells him that she is doing fine.  He tells her not to worry about him he will be fine.
   Melissa is at her doctor’s office, she tells Melissa that she is pregnant.  Melissa asks her how far along she is, and the doctor tells her the best she can say is about 6-8 weeks.  She asks her if she will tell the father, Melissa doesn’t say anything, which makes the doctor ask her if she knows who the father is.
   Angela’s lawyer goes to see Chase, he tells him that his father’s death was just an accident.
   Cole and Melissa are out driving, he is going to fast and Melissa tells him to slow down.  They fight and she walks home.
   Angela’s lawyer goes back to Angela and tells her that Chase doesn’t want Falcon Crest and that now he is even more suspicious.
   Chase finds Cole chopping wood, He talks to Cole about his time in the war.  Cole tells him that he is responsible for Bill’s death.
   Emma comes into the winery and asks Lance if he is mad at her because she killed Uncle Jason.  She tells him that she pushed him and he fell.  Lance asks if Angela knows, Emma tells him that she does.
   Chase and Cole go over to Carl’s house, he tells him that they want to talk.  He tells them that he is fine, Cole tells him he’s not, and tells him that Bill wanted him to go with him to the cabin, but he told him that he had plans.  Carl tells him that no one could have prevented it, and that it isn’t his fault Bill was drinking and it just happened.  Carl tells Chase that he will take some time off, he tell Carl that they will keep an eye on his place for him.
   Lance goes into the house and tells Angela that Emma told him everything, he doesn’t want to work in the fields anymore.  She tells him that he can’t blackmail her, she says that she is going to put his inheritance in a trust and the only way he will be able to get it is if marries Melissa, and he’s got 90 days to do it.
Final Thoughts:  I liked this episode since it didn't focus so much on the Emma storyline so much, I liked the part when Chase caught Emma dancing outside while watching them party.
Best Outfit:  I couldn't find anything really bad in this episode, I thought that the collar was the worst thing about this outfit, that and the pants, but I couldn't get a good picture of them.

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