Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Challenge

Falcon Crest
Season 2 Episode 1
Original Airdate:  October 1, 1982

Recap:  Chase joins Cole as he is welding, he brings him the directions, but Cole is already finished, he tells him that he just figured it out.  They are just sitting down to breakfast, when Vicky comes out telling them that something happened to Gus.
   Melissa joins Angela and her lawyer Philip at the breakfast table; she has the newspaper wither and tells them that Richard Channing is coming to town soon.  She asks who his mother is, and she tells Angela that she is surprised that Douglas didn’t leave the newspaper to her.  Angela tells her that Douglas was ill and he made a mistake, one that she intends to correct.
   Julia goes to Emma’s room and tells her that breakfast is ready.  Emma tells her that when she eats with them she loses her appetite, since Lance is a liar, Melissa is two faced, and their mother is trying to take over the world.  She tells her that she is going to leave, and that she thinks Julia should go away with Tony.
At the hospital Mario tells Chase that he was supposed to be there to help his father, Chase tells him that it isn’t his fault.
   Lance comes home, and Melissa asks him where he was, he tells her he had business.  Angela comes over to him and tells him that he needs to give Melissa more respect.  She tells him she wants him to talk to Emma.  Chow Lee comes over and tells Angela about Gus being in the hospital, she makes Lance take her to the hospital.
   The doctor comes out, and tells the family that they did everything they could but they lost him.  Angela arrives and tells Alicia how sorry she is for her loss, and that if they need anything all they need to do is ask.  Lance comments that with Gus gone it will make Chase more vulnerable.
   Chase tells Angela that is was kind of her to go to the funeral; she tells him that Gus was a part of Falcon Crest.  He tells her that he was planning on bring Gus with him when he started working at Falcon Crest.  They go back and forth about his half of Falcon Crest; he tells her that he is going to set up an office at the winery on Monday. 
   Cole and Maggie tells Vicky that she needs to give Mario some time, she tells them that she just want to help him.  Cole comments that he doesn’t think Gus’ death has sunken in yet for Chase, and he doesn’t think that Chase can go on without Gus.  Chase comes home and tells them that he is going to start working at the winery on Monday.  Maggie tells them that she has been working on a screenplay.
   Lance and Angela talk about Chase, and she tells Lance that she is making him the General Manager of the winery.  She tells him that it is his job to see that Chase never sets foot into the winery.
   On Monday Chase goes to the winery, but finds that the door is locked, he walks around the building and finds Lance, he asks if he can get some help setting up his office.  Lance tells him about his new position, and Chase takes Lance’s keys and opens the door, he tells Lance that he just doesn’t get it, he is working for him.  Lance tells him that there is no room for him at Falcon Crest, but Chase doesn’t listen, he tells Lance he wants him to get him a desk
   Philip tells Angela that they couldn’t find much about Richard Channing except that he was adopted and that he has been looking for his mother too.  She tells him that this is where they can get him.
   Julia joins Lance in the winery and tells him that he can’t stop Chase from getting his half of the winery, that Angela promised it to him.  She tells him not to fight Angela’s battles.
   Mario gets home and Vicky is waiting for him, he tells her that he took his mother to the airport since she is moving in with her sister.  She tells him that they still have each other and his father's death doesn't change that, he tells her that his father died a manual laborer and that he has to try and change things for his people.
   Maggie finds Chase, and he tells her that he thought things would be different after the inquest.  Maggie tells him that she doesn’t think he should let Angela out of the corner he has put her in.
   Angela finds Emma on the veranda reading books about psychology and cars.  Emma tells her that she plans on getting a car with her shares of the newspaper.  Angela tries to convince her to give her the shares, but Emma tells her that she wants to go to shareholder’s meeting.  Angela tells her that they will talk about it later.
   Melissa reminds Lance about breakfast with her father, but he tells her that he won’t go.  She tells him that they need to put on a better show.  He asks her about the $1900 bill for maternity clothes, he tells her to return them, and she says that she will if he acts like a husband, Lance tells her that he would rather pay the bill. 
   Angela thanks Philip for lunch, he tells her the latest information they got about Richard Channing.  He tells her that he took the Channing name at the age of 12; she tells him that she heard that he will be coming sometime next week.
   In New York, Richard Channing’s adopted father comes into his office to see Richard.  He tells him that newspapers are a dying business; he tells him he knows that he wants his independence and a chance to find his mother.  Richard tells him that he has been a good father, Henri Denault tells him that he wants something in exchange.  Richard tells him that his father’s ex-wife own a large winery.  Henri Denault tells him that if he doesn’t deliver then he won’t have any freedom.
   Melissa tells Lance they need to go to her father’s for breakfast, that he wants to talk to them about the baby.  Lance tells her that she should take the real father then. 
   Carlo asks Melissa where Lance is, she tells him about Lance, he tells her that maybe she should come back home, but she doesn’t want to leave Falcon Crest.  Cole calls for Melissa and Lance tells him that she is at her father’s house.  Carlo tells Melissa that he will talk to Angela about Lance.  She tells him that Angela is too busy thinking about Richard Channing.  He tells her has heard of Richard Channing, and that Angela has a right to be concerned.  Cole calls out to Melissa; Carlo comes outside and tells him to get off his property.  Cole tells Melissa to tell the truth about the baby; Carlo hits Cole and tells him that if he ever finds him on his property again that he will kill him.
   Richard tells his secretary to send a memo to the Globe, and tells her that the paper will give them power.  He tells her that he can dethrone Angela with help from the Globe.
    Chase and Maggie arrive at the winery, once again Lance tries to stop them from going in, Angela and Philip come over and she tells Lance that she will take care of things.  Chase tells her that he is going to work at Falcon Crest since that was their agreement; she tells him that their agreement was for him to be a part of the company in name only.  He tells her no, it was for his father’s half.  Maggie hands Philip the contract that they had drawn up to help them all work together.  Angela says that they don't need the contract since they have the agreement, Chase reminds her that she has been ignoring it.  Angela signs it, after Chase tells her that if she doesn’t he will go to the DA’s office and get her charged for accesory to his father's death, and if she loses she could be evicted.  After Chase and  Maggie leave Philip tells her that there is no point in fighting anymore.  Angela tells him that she’s only begun to fight.
Final Thoughts:  I already like this season so far, Richard Channing is exactly what this show needed someone with the power to get Angela.  It will be interesting to see who his mother is.  It was a pretty good episode; everything is being set up for the upcoming season.  I hope we get to find out what the screenplay Maggie is writing is about.  I think it will be about Angela somehow, and maybe her fight with Chase’s father.  I loved David Selby in Dark Shadows so it’s great to see him in something different.
Best Outfit:   Doesn't he just look like the hero from a romance novel cover?

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