Sunday, November 18, 2012

Troubled Waters

Falcon Crest 
Season 2 Episode 3
Original Airdate:  October 15, 1982

Recap:  Richard and Diana walk into a restaurant and see that Angela and Carlo at a table.  They are talking about the baby.  Angela tells him that if the baby is a boy that they should name him Joseph after her grandfather, he asks what if it’s a girl, Angela tells him that it won’t be.  She makes it clear to him that the baby will have little to do with his side of the family, and tells him that the baby will have Falcon Crest.  Richard sends over a bottle of wine.  Carlo tells him that it’s a good foreign wine, but this is California wine country, and suggests that he join a wine tasting club.  Richard wants to buy his vineyard, but Carlo tells him that it isn’t for sale.  Richard tells him that he should change his mind and that he hopes that he does soon.  Carlo tells him not to threaten him, Richard tells him that he doesn’t threaten old men past their prime, but saves the threats for worth opponents.  Carlo throws his drink in his face.  Angela follows Carlo and tells him that she won’t be a part of a public spectacle. 
   Maggie is still working on her screenplay, but she is stuck, Chase tells her that the board still has the water right issue tabled.  He tells her that he just wants to share it with everyone.
   Angela tells Chase that he is fitting right into Falcon Crest, Chase tells her not to snow him.  He tells her some of his plans about the distribution, after he leaves Lance comes over, and she tells him that she wants him to be sure that Chase doesn’t find out that they own one of the distributors. 
   Lance goes outside and finds Melissa taking out the baby furniture from the barn.  He tells her to put it all back and buy the baby new stuff, her child will not use his families furniture.
   Angela tells Julia about Emma buying a car, she tells her that she wants to take Emma to see a psychologist.  Julia realizes that Angela wants to have Emma declared incompetent so she can get Emma’s shares of The Globe.
   Angela goes to the board meeting, some of the members of the board think that it would be a conflict of interest if Chase votes on the water, Chase tries to tell them that he would be voting against himself, but they don’t want him to vote.  Angela steps up and tells them that she would more than happy to share, but she wants Falcon Crest’s water tested, Chase says that there is nothing wrong with the water, but when she offers the members of the board a drink, no one will taste it, but Chase.
   Melissa tells Lance that she wants him to stay for lunch with her and her father, she says that her father will be insulted if he doesn’t stay.  He tells her he won’t and that the sooner she tells the truth about the baby the better it will be for them all.  He tells her that she can’t keep fooling everyone for long.  He drives off and Carlo tells Melissa that he won’t let her go back to Falcon Crest, she reminds him about wanting Falcon Crest.
   Chase asks Amos to test the water, but he tells him that he is too busy.  When Chase gets home he finds Maggie still working on the script.  She asks him about the meeting and he tells her that Angela is claiming that the water is tainted.
   Carlo goes to Falcon Crest and tells Angela that he is upset about the way Lance is treating Melissa.  Julia tells him that Melissa can take care of herself.  Carlo tells Angela that he will disown Melissa so Angela won’t be able to get her hands on his vineyard.  She tells him to stay out of Lance and Melissa’s affairs or he will have to answer to her.
   Richard tells Diana that he wants to buy Carlo’s vineyards,  (during this scene Richard reminded me of  Christian Grey, I haven’t read the books, but I’m reading the great recaps from Jennifer Armintrout, check out her blog, they are hilarious. (
   Chase goes to see Angela and finds her with Amos.  He asks when they will get the report, Amos gives Chase the copy and tells him that the water is tainted, and is unsuitable for irrigation.  Chase asks Angela if she really believes that she can control the whole valley.  She tells Chase that she already does not counting his vineyard or his half of Falcon Crest that is.
   Vicky goes to Mario’s house and finds him packing his car up, he tells her that he is leaving.  She tells him that it isn’t fair, she was going to go with him.  He tells her he knows, but he has to go.  He kisses her goodbye.
   Chase goes to the Health Department and tells Amos that he doesn’t believe that the water is tainted and that he wants another report done, and unbiased one.  Amos says that he doesn’t take orders from him, and Chase says that’s right and he shouldn’t be taking orders from Angela either.  He tells him to do another report or he won’t have a job.
   Diana tells Carlo that she wishes that he would reconsider selling to Richard, he tells her that he won’t do it, and she tells him that if he wants to know anything about Richard that he should just ask her, not believe what he hears from others.  She tells him to think about selling.  He tells her that he doesn’t need to he already made up his mind.
   Philip tells Angela that Richard has called for a meeting with the board of directors of The Globe.  He tells her that he will be right there by her side.
   Angela goes to Emma and tells her about the meeting, and tells her that she wants her to sign over her shares to her because the meeting is very important.  Emma says that if it’s that important then she needs to be there.
   Cole is taking a guy back to his workers after his truck wouldn’t start, he tells Cole to take the shortcut through Carlo’s property.  Cole tells him that he is trying to avoid him, but he insists.  They run into Carlo who tells Cole to get off his property, he puts his hands on Cole, who tells him to keep his hands off, and tells him that someone should teach him a lesson.
   Angela asks Lance if Chase saw him paying off Amos when he went to the Health Department.  Lance tells her that he handled it, but she says that he always messes things up.
   Amos stops by Chase’s house and gives him the new report.
   Lance goes into the nursery and sees all the family’s baby furniture in the room, he tells her to have it put back but she tells him that she likes it.  Angela comes in and asks what they are fighting about.  Lance tells her and she tells him that it was her idea to bring up the baby furniture.  She tells him that she expects them to go to the meeting with her, so they can be a united front for Richard Channing.
   Carlo calls Cole and tells him that he wants to apologize he tells him that Melissa is there and they want to talk to him.  Cole tells him that he will be right there.  Carlo tells an unseen person who is holding a gun to his head that he is on his way.   He tells them that they won’t get away with this, as they pick up a small bust behind Carlo.
   The family is walking out of the house to go to the car, and Angela tells them all to let her do the talking.  She asks where Emma is and Julia tells her that she is waiting in the car.  Chase pulls up and tells Angela that Amos made a mistake and did another test, the water on Falcon Crest isn’t tainted.  She tells him that he hasn’t won.  He tells her that it wasn’t the point.
   Chase goes back home and gives Maggie a rose, telling her that it should be more.  He asks her how the script is coming, she tells him that she is stuck.  He tells her that he wishes he could help.
   Cole pulls up to Carlo’s house and walks inside, he calls out, but gets no answer, he goes further into the house and finds Carlo lying on the ground, he runs to his side and checks for a pulse, then picks up the bust that is lying near him.  Carlo is dead, Cole calls for an ambulance and wipes the blood from his hands on his shirt.
   Richard shows the board his plans for the paper, he tells them that he wants them to work as a family.  Emma says that she finally has a brother, but Angela tells her that he isn’t a part of this family.  She tells him that she won’t sit there as a bastard destroys everything that Douglas worked for.  Angela gets a phone call, when she hangs up she tells Melissa that her father was murdered.  When everyone tries to comfort her she tells them to leave her alone, but when Richard tells her how sorry he is and how he had hoped that he and Carlo would be friends she lets him hug her.  Philip asks Angela if there are any suspects and she tells yes, it’s Cole.
Final Thoughts:  I knew that something like this would happen, I just can’t figure out who it could be since it seems like everyone is accounted for.  I like this though even if it will be frustrating since Cole acted like an idiot for touching the murder weapon and getting blood all over himself.
Best Outfit:   Isn't this the perfect outfit to go out to walk through a vineyard.  The hat makes her look like she is in a movie that takes place in the 1920's, it reminds me of Grace Farrell from the movie Annie. 

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