Sunday, October 28, 2012

Divorce - Ewing Style

Season 3 Episode 21
Original Airdate: February 15, 1980 

Recap:  When JR walks into Southfork all the lights are off, he knows everyone is home because all the cars are there, suddenly the lights come on and they all call out Happy Anniversary, its Sue Ellen and JR’s 9th wedding anniversary.  Miss Ellie tells him that she hopes he got Sue Ellen something special.  Sue Ellen tells him that she got him something too, and that he can give it to her later (which is good because I think that JR forgot and she knows it).  Jock toasts the “happy couple” and Lucy says who would have thought it would last, to Kristin.  Later JR goes over to Kristin and tells her that she is being a pretty obvious and tells her to at least pretend like she is having a good time, like him.  She asks what Sue Ellen is doing, and JR says that they will find out as Sue Ellen joins them.  Sue Ellen gives a toast to her sister, she says that Kristin will be leaving to go to California, and that she hopes that she can find a man of her own, one that makes her as happy as JR has made her.

   After the party JR and Sue Ellen go to their room, he asks her why she threw the party, and she tells him that she did it to show all their friends and family how devoted she is to him.  He lies down on the bed and asks her when she is going to show him this devotion.  She tells him that she will show him right now, and takes the bottle of champagne from him and pours it over him.  He gets up and asks her why she did that.  Sue Ellen tells JR that she needed to cool him off, because she doesn’t want him confused about how she acts in public towards him.  She tells him that they won’t be making love that night or any night till she leaves him with her son.  JR asks her who she is fooling with her act; she says that she already fooled him so everyone else will be easy.  As she leaves he tells her that she won’t take his son.
   When JR gets to his office the next day, he is hung over, Louella tells him that Kristin called several times already and wants him to call her back.  He tells her if she calls again to tell her that he is in a meeting.  Louella tells him that Bobby wants to see him.  In Bobby’s office, Bobby tells JR that he wants to open up an old Ewing Oil field that they closed over thirty years ago, he thinks that they could make a pretty good profit with it, but JR doesn’t seem to care about it, he tells Bobby to do it if he wants and leaves the office.  When he goes back to the reception area, Kristin has called again; he shakes his head at Louella who tells Kristin that JR is in a meeting.
   Later that day JR is at Serena’s house, she tells him that she is surprised he hasn’t offered to get her a new place, he tells her that he likes the way things are and he pays her.  When he leaves a car follows him as he drives off.
   The next day Alan comes to see JR at the office, he tells JR that he needs his help, he tells him that he was fired from the law firm and he knows that he had something to do with it.  Alan apologizes for being greedy.  JR denies knowing what Alan is talking about when he brings up all the things that he did for him.  Alan tells JR that he knows enough to cause him a lot of grief.  JR tells him that he can try, but he suggests that he just get out of town.
   JR goes to Kristin’s apartment later; the same car is following him.  Kristin tells JR that she thought he was dead since he never called her back she asks if he got any of her messages.  He tells her that he came to see her and if he wanted screaming and yelling he could go home for that.  Kristin tells him that from what she saw at the party the only thing JR is getting at home is Sue Ellen hanging all over him.  She asks him what Sue Ellen meant about her going to California, she tells him that she isn’t leaving.  JR says that he thought she wanted to continue her education, Kristin says that she was learning enough when she was working for him.  JR tells her that since she isn’t working at the office anymore, and if she doesn’t like waiting for him to come over if he decides to then he can get her a ticket to California anytime.  She apologizes and tells him that she just misses seeing him during the day.  He tells her he will come over again tomorrow.  He goes to his car and this time notices that a car is following him.
   The next morning JR makes a phone call from his car (on his car phone) to the police and asks Detective McSween to come to the office to talk.
   Miss Ellie is talking to Matt Devlin, she is still trying to get him to stop building on Mimosa Park, she asks him where people will go if they tear it down to build the housing development.
   JR tells the McSween about the car that was following him.  Detective McSween says that if he calls him later and tells him where he will be then they will keep an eye on him.  He tells JR that Cliff is now working for the District Attorney’s office.
   Kristin answers the door thinking that it is JR, but it’s really Alan, he has come over to try to get her to work with him at getting JR back, he tells her that he knows that she kept some records, and he did to.    When he leaves he says that it would be a shame to give everything she has up.
   JR is back with Serena, she tells him that if he just wanted to talk then they could have talked on the phone, and that he doesn’t get a discount for just talking.  JR gets up and pays her and leaves.  He drives off and the other car pulls out and starts to follow him too, but is soon pulled over by the police.  JR drives back and asks who he is and who hired him.  The guy finally gives it up and tells JR and the police that he’s a private investigator and he tells them who hired him.
   JR goes in to his bedroom and tells Sue Ellen that no one does that to him.  She asks him why she would do it, and he says that’s what he wants to know.  Sue Ellen tells him that she is paying him back for all the times he had her followed.  He realizes that this is how she is going to try to win custody.  He tells her that he will kill her first; she tells him that he doesn’t have the guts.
   JR complains to Kristin about what Sue Ellen has done.  He tells her that he needs to get Sue Ellen locked back up in the sanitarium, for good this time.  He says that they need to get her drinking again, or at least make everyone think that she is drinking again.  He tells Kristin that he will need her help, she tells him that she would do anything for him, she tells him that she wants something in return, she wants to be the next Mrs. JR Ewing.  He says that they shouldn’t rush in to anything, but she is adamant, and he agrees.  He tells her that he wants her to take Sue Ellen out to lunch the next day.
   The next day at lunch, Kristin thanks her for coming.  Sue Ellen tells her that she was curious about what she wanted.  Kristin tells her that she is sorry for everything she has done.  She tells Sue Ellen that she is going to California and that she wants to make it up to her.  Kristin tells her that she was only doing what their mother taught her, Sue Ellen tells her that she is smart, that it took her awhile to learn that about their mother.  Kristin tells her that she is trying to change and wants to be friends.  Sue Ellen agrees, they toast to this, but Kristin spills her drink all over Sue Ellen, she leaves to try to clean herself up.
   JR goes to Sue Ellen’s PI and pays him off to change the reports, he tells him not to worry about the ones he sent to Sue Ellen, he’ll take care of those.
   The Sheriff comes over to Southfork and tells Jock and Miss Ellie that Ray can start working on his house again; they don’t have any leads on the body that was found.  Miss Ellie asks if they are closing the case, he tells her that they aren’t but they won’t be focusing their time on it anymore.  When Sue Ellen gets home Miss Ellie asks her how her lunch went, Jock and Ellie ask her about the stain on her dress.  She tells them about Kristin spilling her drink.  Jock makes a comment about thinking that Kristin only drank white wine.  In her room Sue Ellen hides the report under her jewelry drawer in the dresser.
   Later that night Miss Ellie asks JR what’s wrong, he tells his parents that he found a liquor bottle in the bedroom and thinks that Sue Ellen has started drinking again, he asks Miss Ellie to watch her during the day, but asks them not to talk to her about it.  Jock says that he thought Sue Ellen was acting funny that afternoon.  JR calls Kristin and she tells him that she knows what she needs to do next.
   When Jock gets to the office Kristin is there waiting for JR, he takes her into the office with him, and she asks him if Sue Ellen got home ok, and that she didn’t know that Sue Ellen started drinking again.  He asks her if Sue Ellen was drinking at lunch, Kristin tells him that she had three drinks, four if you count the one she spilled.
   Later Sue Ellen is pulled over; JR’s friend at the police is in the back of the police car.  Bobby is the one to answer the call from the police letting the family know that she was pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving but no arrest.  She and Bobby come home alone, he tells Jock and Miss Ellie that JR stayed behind to smooth things over, and he tells them that next time they will arrest her.
   JR tells Kristin that everyone believes Sue Ellen is drinking again.  He tells her that he doesn’t want to rush things; she tells him that she can’t wait to live at Southfork.  He tells her again not to rush things.
   Sue Ellen tells her therapist that she is sure JR is behind this, she tells him that she is frustrated that no one believes her.  He tells her that he doesn’t understand why JR would be doing this.  She tells him that she made a mistake by telling JR that she was leaving and that she hired a PI to follow him.  She asks Dr. Ell by if he believes her.  She tells him that JR wants to put her back in the sanitarium, but she won’t let him this time.
   At the house Sue Ellen tells JR that her therapist doesn’t believe that she is drinking again.  She confronts him in front of the family about him trying to get them to believe that she is drinking again to send her away, she tells them that she hired a PI and she has the reports to prove what he’s been doing, she goes up to get the reports.  Bobby tells JR to stop her.  When Sue Ellen comes back down she gives Jock and Miss Ellie the reports.  They tell her that it only says that JR went to meetings and dinner with friends of the family.  She realizes that he switched the reports, she attacks him, and Bobby and Pam pull her away and take her upstairs.  JR tells his parents that he is sorry that they had to witness that, he calls the doctor to come and check on Sue Ellen. 
Final Thoughts:  JR is definitely going to have some trouble with Kristin.  I really can't believe that Kristin could do this to her sister.  I really feel bad for Sue Ellen, she really has no one on her side to believe her, she was stupid to hire such a stupid PI, I'm sure that there could have been someone who wouldn't have got caught. 
Best Outfit:  Alan has a corduroy suit with what looks like a corduroy tie.

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