Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sue Ellen's Choice

Season 3 Episode 19
Original Airdate:  February 1, 1980

Recap:  Ray and Bobby are at the club playing racquetball, after the game they have a beer.  Bobby tells Ray about the problems he’s been having with Pam, he tells him that things haven’t been right for them since they lost the baby.  Bobby asks if Ray and Donna will be out that night, Ray tells him that he isn’t seeing Donna anymore.  Ray tells him that JR was right about the relationship, Bobby tells Ray that he shouldn’t listen to JR, but Ray says that it wasn’t just JR; they just didn’t have anything in common.  Bobby says that they had each other.
   At Southfork Pam comes home early, she asks Miss Ellie where Bobby is, Miss Ellie tells her that he is at the club and doesn’t know when he will be back, so she goes upstairs to unpack.  JR comes into the room and asks her about her trip, she asks him what he had to do with her promotion; she knows he is involved because of something her boss, Harrison Page said to her.  JR tells her that he was just trying to help.  He mentions that Bobby has been seeing a lot of Jenna Wade while she was gone.  When Bobby gets home, JR tells him that Pam is home, he asks his brother if he told Pam about Jenna, JR tells him that he did let it slip.  Bobby tells him that he did enough yesterday breaking up Ray and Donna.  Bobby goes upstairs to their bedroom.  Pam tells him that what’s wrong with their marriage isn’t her work; she tells him that she knows he ran into Jenna at the airport.  Bobby tells her that what’s wrong between them doesn’t have anything to do with Jenna either.  Pam asks if he had a good time with her, he tells her yes, they did the kind of thing that he and Pam should be doing together.  He tells her that he almost slept with Jenna, and that he wanted to.  He asks Pam if anything matters to her.  He tells Pam that he loves her and Jenna knows it, and that he wants to save their marriage, but he can’t do it alone, he says that he needs her help.  Pam tells him that she doesn’t think she can.
   Alan gives Lucy her engagement ring, he tells her that he wants to get married soon, she tells him that she just wants to wait a little longer, she is still getting used to being engaged, she just doesn’t look like she wants to get married.
   Miss Ellie is still trying to find a way to fight, Matt Devlin to save the Mimosa Park.  Pam comes down for breakfast as Jock and JR are leaving for the day.  Miss Ellie and Pam talk about Bobby; she tells Pam that she knows that Bobby loves her very much.  Pam tells her that none of their problems are his fault, she is the one pushing him away, she tells Miss Ellie that she can’t help herself.  Miss Ellie suggests that she go see Sue Ellen’s therapist.
   Pam goes over to Cliff’s apartment; she can’t believe how messy it is and the change in Cliff.  She tells him about her problems with Bobby.  She tells him that she thinks she is going crazy because of what she is doing to Bobby, she says that she thinks that maybe it would be best if he left her and found someone he can have children with.  Cliff tells her if that is what is bothering her then she should just take the risk and get pregnant.  She tells him that she is too afraid, Cliff tells her to stop.  Pam tells him that Bobby is going to leave her and that she loves him so much.
   Jenna and Bobby meet up for lunch, she tells him that she’s glad he came since she wants to talk.  She apologizes for the other night.  He tells her that he was trying to use her and she did the right thing when she stopped him, she asks him why he can’t tell her what’s wrong, she tells him that all he has to do is ask and that next time she won’t stop him.  Bobby tells her that there won’t be a next time, and that he wants to save his marriage.
   Later that day Jenna goes to Pam’s office, she asks her if she wants Bobby because if she doesn’t then she wants him for herself.  Pam tells her to get out of her office.  Jenna tells her that she loves Bobby and he is miserable, and that he will find someone who will make him happy because he is a survivor.  Jenna tells Pam if she can’t make him happy then she will and she will cut Pam out as soon as she can.
   Sue Ellen asks Dusty when she will see him again.  He tells her that he has to go back to San Angelo, that he has responsibilities there.  He asks her to marry him, she tells him that she can’t since she is already married (is she trying to be stupid here, does she really think he wants to marry her while she is still married?), he tells her that he can stand up to JR, she says that she needs to think about it, he reminds her that she has been thinking about his for months now.  He tells her to leave JR.  She agrees.
   Donna goes to the Ewing Oil offices and talks to Jock about Ray, she wants him to talk to Ray about their relationship. She tells him that she knows that Ray would listen to him, but Jock tells her that he can’t do it, since he promised never to interfere with his children’s lives her can’t start now with Ray.  As Donna leaves the office she runs into JR, she confronts him about what he did to make Ray break up with her, and she tells him that she and her step-son are going to continue where Cliff left off and destroy him.
   JR goes up to the nursery and talks to Sue Ellen about his day, and she tells him that she isn't interested in any longer, and that she tells him she wants a divorce.  He asks who she is seeing, she says no one and tells him that she is and has been miserable with him.  He asks her again who it is, and she tells him that it’s someone he can’t intimidate or pay off.  JR tells her that he may be doing him a favor, that she has been a headache too long.  She asks him if he will give her the divorce, he says if the price is right.  She tells him that she doesn’t want anything from him, that she and the baby have everything they will need waiting for them.  JR tells her that she won’t take the baby; he tells her that she can leave anytime, but the baby will stay at Southfork.  She tells him that she is Little John's mother, but JR tells Sue Ellen that with her history that no court will give her custody.  Sue Ellen leaves the house; Pam asks her what’s wrong and where she is going.  When JR comes out Sue Ellen rushes to her car and drives off, Pam tells JR to stop her, and he asks why he should.
   When Ray gets home he finds Donna waiting for him.  He tells her that she is making this too hard for the both of them, she tells him that she is only there to say goodbye, she is going away for awhile to help her step-son get a health care bill passed.  Ray says that’s good, she tells him that she went to see Jock and he thinks that she should listen to Ray.  Ray tells her that he is sorry.  Donna kisses him and says goodbye, she turns back and tells him that she loves him and that she is sorry that it wasn’t enough.
   Pam is waiting up for Bobby in the library; she calls out to him when he goes to go upstairs.  She tells him that she’s been waiting to talk to him, she tells him about Jenna coming to see her.  Pam tells him that Jenna still loves him.  Bobby tells her that he isn’t in love with Jenna anymore.  Pam tells him about her thoughts about him leaving her for someone who can give him children, he tells her that doesn’t matter to him.  She says that she feels like she is failing him and that if he did leave her she says that she feels like she would die.  Bobby tells Pam that he loves her and wants to spend the rest of their lives together.  She says that she wants to try, if he will give her another chance.  Bobby tells her that he can do that, and she tells him that she loves him.
   Dusty is pacing back and forth, when Sue Ellen walks in he tells her that he expected her hours ago, she tells him that she’s been driving around thinking.  He asks her what happened.  Sue Ellen tells Dusty that JR agreed to the divorce, but that he is keeping the baby.  Dusty tells her that they will fight for custody.  She tells him that no judge will give her custody; she tells him that they won’t be able to fight JR; she tells him she won’t leave her baby, even for him.  Dusty begs her to go away with him, but Sue Ellen tells him that she can’t.  He tells her to take her time and he will wait for her as long as it takes, and that JR can’t win.  She tells him that he has and he always will.
   At Southfork, Sue Ellen sits in her car awhile, when she gets out, JR stops her before she goes inside and tells her that he knew that she didn’t have the guts to leave.

Final Thoughts:  Pam is acting like a idiot, she knows that she has this great guy and now that Jenna is back and hanging around him again, you'd think that maybe if she really loved him as much as she says she does, then she would tell him and go get some help.  I was really getting to like Ray and Donna, so I hope that this isn't the last we see of her, he is still stupid to let JR convince him he isn't good enough for her.  And for Sue Ellen she just needs to decide if she is leaving JR already, I'm sure she can hire a lawyer who could help her get her baby, it would be tough given her history, but I bet they could find away.
Best Outfit:  Lucy is wearing this summery outfit, then Pam comes home and she's got a fur coat, I'd like to know what the season is, in Texas I can't remember a time that you could wear either of these at the same time.  And why are their buckles on the hat to keep the sunglasses in place?

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