Friday, October 19, 2012

The Fragment

Season 2 Episode 19
Original Airdate:  April 7,1982

Recap:  Jeff gets to Claudia’s apartment just in time to see her being put into the ambulance.  He sees Krystle and Nick tells him to takes Krystle and follow them to the hospital.  Krystle tells Jeff that she thought that Claudia was going to shoot herself they struggled with the gun and it went off.  She tells him that Claudia was going to go and kill his uncle.

   Blake and Andrew are about to land in Las Vegas, Blake is very pleased with himself that he is going to see Rhinewood in person.
   At the hospital they begin working on Claudia.  Nick tells her that everything will be fine.  Later he tells Krystle that there is a bullet fragment and that they are going to operate, and that she needs to get some rest.  Jeff comes back from trying to get a hold of Blake, Nick tells him to keep trying because Krystle could be in serious trouble.
   Blake asks Bonning where Rhinewood is, Bonning says that Andrew can’t stay with him, and that Rhinewood will be with him soon. 
   In an office somewhere a man begins to push muttons and turn different knobs, like he’s’ the wizard of oz or something, he begins to speak to Blake.  Blake isn’t pleased that this is how he is meeting Rhinewood.  He admits that it is him who is buying the Denver Carrington stock and that as of today he owns closer to 50% of the company.  H turns off the machine.  Bonning tells Blake that the meeting is over, Blake wants his money back since he didn’t get a face to face meeting that he was promised.
   Steven pays a hooker, she tells him that she usually pretends that her other Johns are famous actors, but she didn’t with him.
   On the way back to Denver Blake tells Andrew that he will get Rhinewood.  Then he finally gets the message about Krystle.
   Nick goes over how he plans on removing the fragment with another doctor, the detective asks Nick about Krystle, he tells the detective that Krystle was in shock and that she is in no condition to speak with him.  Nick tells Jeff to take her out the back way.
   Cecil goes over to Alexis’ cottage, she is watching Love Boat, he tells her that he is in a champagne mood, he asks her if she heard the news about the blood test, she says that she always knew that he wasn’t Fallon’s father.  Cecil proposes to her again, she tells him that she isn’t’ sure yet.  Later she after making love she is awake watching the news, and the story about Claudia’s shooting comes on she hurries over to the big house and talks to Fallon (what's up with the water?).  Alexis asks her if she can forgive her.  Fallon tells her that she has to think about it.  Fallon tells Alexis that Steven is in California looking for Sammy Joe.
   Jeff tells the detective that Krystle is sleeping, Fallon comes over and tells him that she saw Krystle just a bit again and asks him if he wants to see her, the detective says that he does.
   Alexis tells Cecil about the shooting.
   Krystle tries to explain what happened when the gun went off.  Blake comes in and tells him that what happened was an accident. He thinks that the DA is really after him since he got off for the murder of Ted Denard.  Blake tells Krystle that he spoke with Nick and that the operation was successful and the bullet was removed.
   The next day Blake goes for a walk and sees Cecil leaving the cottage, they get into a fight, where Cecil calls Blake common.
   Bonning speaks with Rhinewood about another person willing to sell their share of Denver Carrington stock.  After turning off the machine again, Rhinewood turns his chair and we see that he is none other than Cecil Colby.
   Alexis asks Jeff how close he is to Claudia, she says that she won’t tell Fallon, he tells her that he plans on telling her about her.
   Andrew tells Blake that no one would speak to him at the DA’s office, again Blake thinks this is payback for his trial.
   Nick calls with news, Claudia is coming around and beginning to speak.  Krystle is worried that Claudia won’t remember what really happened.  Blake tells her that he loves her and that this nightmare will end.
Blake and Krystle go to the hospital and go to Claudia’s room.  Nick begins to ask her questions, she sees’ Krystle, and Krystle tells her that it’s important for her to remember what happened last night.  The detective comes in and hears Claudia talk about Krystle’s affair with Matthew.  Claudia can’t remember what happened last night and asks everyone to leave.  When they turn to go they all see the detective standing there.
Final Thoughts:  I liked this episode, but I am done with the whole Logan Rhinewood storyline, hopefully things will get wrapped up soon, and that won't continue on to the next season. 
Best Outfit:  The sofa at Rhinewood's place in Vegas

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