Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Call Girl

Season 1 Episode 25
Air Date:  February 23, 1979

Recap:  JR and Bobby are playing racquetball, Bobby leaves when he gets a call from Ray.
   Pam is overseeing a photo shoot.
   Bobby gets home and Ray and another ranch hand tell him that they found some fences down and that they are missing some cattle.  Ray and Bobby decide that they will go to a couple bars later that night to see if they can find anything about the cattle rustlers.
JR is having trouble with the cartel, they want him to get control over Ben Maxwell, then they can work with him again.
   At dinner Jock asks JR about the meeting with the cartel, JR doesn’t want to talk about it right now, but Jock insists, JR tells him that they want to cash in.  Jock isn’t pleased and tells JR he needs to get more independent oil companies behind Ewing Oil. 
   The next day JR is playing racquetball with Ben Maxwell, (he’s the guy that gave Cliff his new job). 
   At another photo shoot, Pam and a model go to the racket club, Bobby might be there.  Pam and Leann talk about how much Pam misses Bobby, Leann suggests that she move in with her, Pam isn’t sure about it, she thinks that it will make the separation seem more permanent. 
   JR and Maxwell go to the bar, he is telling him that Cliff has a vendetta against the Ewing’s.  He doesn’t seem to believe this, but that could be just an act, since I remember Cliff telling him that he was going to bury JR.  Pam and Leann are leaving and come across JR, who introduces her to Ben, Pam introduces Leann to them.  JR asks Ben if he’s interested in Leann, who tells him no, that he’s happily married. 
   JR goes to Leann’s apartment, they knew each other from before, she used to be a call girl, and has done work for JR in the past.  Pam calls her and she tells her to come over in 15 minutes, so she can get rid of JR, he finds a picture of her daughter, she tells him that is why she quit, he gives her some money, which she rips up, she tells him that she only sold herself, but he is a prized pimp since he would sell anyone, even his own family.  JR leaves and watches Pam go into the apartment from his car.
   Pam calls Bobby and tells him that she will be moving in with a friend, he isn’t happy about this, and when Miss Ellie comes in and asks him if Pam is coming home he tells her no, that she’s moving in with a friend, JR is pouring himself a drink and listening, he begins to smile when he hears who she will be moving in with.
   JR calls a police man who’s helped him in the past, he wants him to go to Leann and give her the “B treatment” (wonder what that is).  He goes over to her apartment and tells her that she is being arrested for solicitation (if that is the “B treatment” I wonder what the “A treatment is).
   Bobby and Ray get to another bar, and they see a fight break out, it’s a bunch of older guys against one young guy.  They jump into the fight and soon the whole bar seems to be involved.  Of course Bobby and Ray get the upper hand and get out before the other guys can get up, the young guy is Kit Mainwaring, from another oil company.  He tells them he’s doing the same thing they are looking for rustlers.  They plan on going to talk to the sheriff in the morning.
   The cop tells Leann to remember that she has powerful friends and lets her go.  When she gets in her apartment she finds JR inside, he tells her that he wants her to set up Ben Maxwell and Pam.  He wants her to convince Ben that she is really interested in him, then bring him home so they can take some pictures.  She asks him why he wants to set Pam up, he tells her he wants to kill two birds with one stone.
   Jock isn’t happy that they lost the refinery deal, thanks to the cartel backing out on them.  Bobby tells the whole family about the bar fight, and what they learned about the rustlers.  Kit comes over and Bobby introduces him to the family.  After they go to the sheriff’s, Jock tells JR it would be a good move to get in to business with the Mainwaring’s.  Lucy thinks this is a great idea, she thinks he’s gorgeous, and asks Miss Ellie to invite the Mainwarings to their next party.
   Leann comes up to Ben at the racket club, she tells him she’s waiting for Pam, he asks her to join him till she gets there.  She calls Pam later and tells her she left her keys for her with the landlady, and that she shouldn’t wait up for her.
   JR hires a photographer, he tells him that he doesn’t do that kind of work anymore, but JR is very persuasive. 
who wouldn't want a large lion in their living room.
   Pam gets to the apartment and looks around the living room, she looks around, it looks like she thinks she will be happy here, and why not with this lovely piece of art.
   Leann gets a ride home with Ben, she asks him to come up for a nightcap, (so much for being happily married), JR is watching and once they go inside he drives away.  Inside she gets him the drink, and tells him she’ll be right back, she opens the curtains in the bedroom where Pam is sleeping, the photographer is outside.  She changes and opens the door to the room, Ben comes to her and they kiss.  They move closer to the bed, where she gets him to fall on the bed, Pam wakes up and the photographer begins to take pictures, Ben realizes that this was a set up and runs from the apartment, Pam is confused about what happened.
   The next day Jock shows JR the paper, with the photon on the front page.  Miss Ellie doesn’t believe it, and gets upset that Jock and JR are just still there talking about business.  JR shows Bobby the paper, he grabs JR and punches him.  Jock steps between them, Bobby rushes off, and Jock tells JR that if he finds out that he had anything to do with this then he will give him a good beating.
   Leann calls her mother and tells her that she is going to come get her daughter, she tells her she has enough money now to take good care of her.  Pam comes out and asks her about what happened last night.  Leann tells her that she is leaving town, she tells Pam that she wouldn’t have done it if she could have helped it.  She gives her the newspaper and leaves the apartment. 
   JR is having a meeting with the cartel, he asks them if they heard the news about Maxwell resigning from the O.L.M, they still aren’t happy since Cliff is still working there.  They tell JR that with Cliff still at the O.L.M then Ewing Oil is just like any other independent oil company and to call them once Cliff resigns. 
   Bobby finds Pam leaving the apartment.  He tells her he’s come to bring her home, she says she can’t live at Southfork with the scandal, he tells her that everyone knows it was a set-up.  He tells her that it was JR, but he can’t prove it.  If she doesn’t come back then JR has won, but if she comes home and that together they can win.  She tells him that she loves him, and they go back to Southfork. 
   Pam tells Bobby that she’s happy to be home, Lucy runs out and tells Pam how much she missed her, Miss Ellie and Jock come out, and she asks if she needs to explain what happened, and Jock tells her that there is nothing to explain.  Sue Ellen is the only one who isn’t happy to see her, she tells Pam she is a disgrace.  Bobby tells Jock that some of the rustlers were arrested.  JR comes home and is surprised to see Pam there, Bobby tells him that they would like to thank the person who leaked the picture to the newspapers, because it got them back together.
Final Thoughts:  So JR has failed in his latest attempt at getting Pam out of Bobby's life.  I find it really amazing that Miss Ellie and Jock are so blind to what JR gets up to.  I haven't mentioned this before, I must have forgotten about it, but I know Sue Ellen is a drunk, but I can't believe that they have her drinking so much, it's those little things that make the show dated, otherwise the stories are relevant.
Best Outfit:  Wow those are some short shorts
Fight Count: 2 (Bobby, Ray and Kit vs group) (Bobby vs JR)

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