Monday, February 27, 2012

The Iago Syndrome

Season 2 Episode 14
Air Date:  February 17, 1982

Recap:  Joseph wants Blake to tell him his plan, but Blake tells him that he needs to do this himself somehow I think that this is a good idea, I could see something happening down the line where this could lead to blackmail if he were to know something.  Blake tells him that he doesn’t need to sleep in his room anymore, and if anyone asks to just say that he’s getting used to his blindness. 
   Alexis joins Steven in the gym I find it unbelievable that they allow her to come and go as she pleases in that house, I get that she lives on the property, but no one wants her around expect for her kids sometimes anyway.  She tells them that they need to talk about his wife, she wants to know why he told her about Fallon, he tells her that he didn’t, she overheard them.  Steven reassures her that Sammy Joe promised not to repeat what she heard, Alexis tells him that she better or she will regret it.
   Fallon goes to see Nick, she tells him that she is ashamed that her mother went to see him.  He tells her to forget it, he tells her that he wishes that they had met sooner, she asks him if he’s in love with this other woman.  Nick yes yes, but he tells her he didn’t mean for it to happen.  She kisses him goodbye, after she leaves he gets a call from Blake, he tells him he wants to meet.  Nick just wants to do it over the phone, but Blake tells him that they need to do it face to face.
   Krystle goes into the library, she is happy when Blake asks her to have lunch with him.  He tells her that he has something he wants to talk to her about, but wont’ tell her what it is when she asks him.
   At Denver Carrington, Steven is walking Blake to his office, he wants Steven to go on a business trip with Jeff, but Steven reminds him that he doesn’t want to work for him anymore, he wants to be a race car driver.  He tells Blake to just give up on him and just adopt Jeff.  Since he’s really the son he should have had.  Blake finds Alexis in his office.  She tells him that she needs to talk to him about Sammy Joe, she tells him about her charging things to Steven even though she knows that he can’t afford it.  Alexis changes the subject and asks him about the letter, she tells him that Fallon was so upset by it she told her about it.  She says it was vicious and she asks if it could be from an old enemy.  He tells her that he will handle it himself, and Alexis tells him that she only wanted to help.  Alexis is just leaving when Nick arrives.  Blake reminds him of something he told him about hurting the person who hurt his family.  Blake tells him that he checked into his background and he knows about his brother’s death.  Nick tells him he could have done something.  Blake tells him he was out of the country and didn’t get the news till a week after it happened.  Nick doesn’t believe this and tells him that one word from him could have saved his brother.  Blake asks him if he really thinks he would be bringing it up if his hands were dirty, he tells Nick that he’s got no grudge against him.  Nick tells him he’s got a lot to think about, and then tries to catch Blake by lighting his lighter in his face, but Blake doesn’t react.  Nick realizes that he must have been wrong.  Blake tells him that he was mislead, and Nick has to agree.  He asks Nick if he did anything to get back at him, but Nick promises that he didn’t do anything.  Blake tells him that this clears the air between them and that he hopes that they still can do business together.  After Nick leaves Blake has his secretary call Krystle to confirm their lunch together.
   Claudia is having lunch with Cecil, he tells her that his investigators found her daughter, but it was a lot of work, she tells him that she will pay him back, but he tells her that he wants information as payment, he tells her that he wants her to take pictures of papers from Denver Carrington in exchange for the information he’s got about her daughter.  Claudia tells him that she won’t do it, she wants her daughter back but she won’t become a thief to get her back. 
   Bake tells Jeff that he will have to be his eyes an if he likes it then he should by the oil leases.  Jeff tells him that he needs to be honest about his relationship with Fallon, he tells him that after the baby is born they are going to get a divorce and that he will get custody of the baby.  Blake tells him that the doesn’t want to lose the baby or him,  He offer to adopt Jeff.  Jeff tells him that he is honored, but that he was born a Colby and that he will have to stay a Colby.
   Over lunch Blake tells Krystle about Nick, he tells her that he is annoyed with him that he used his family to gt aback at him.  He asks if Nick did anything when they were alone, he tells her that she is a strong woman and he knows that she wouldn’t let anything come between them. 
   Krystle goes to see Nick, he tells her that he missed her.  She tells him that she doesn’t want him to touch her, she tells him that Blake told her everything.  She tells him that Blake was wondering if he was using her to get back at him.  Nick admits that the thought occurred to him, but only for a moment, but everything changed.  She hits him and tells him that she is ashamed of herself, that she almost divorced her husband.  He yells after her as she leaves that she is wrong.
   Jeff goes to see Cecil, he ask if Denver Carrington can buy the research on the leases from ColbyCo.  Cecil tells him that he won’t sell.  Jeff tells him that he owes Blake, and that he makes him ashamed to be a Colby.  Cecil tells him that if he doesn’t like it then to change his name, Jeff tells him that he might, and tells Cecil that Blake wants to adopt him.  As Jeff leaves the office, Claudia is going into Cecil’s office.
   Nick is meeting with a doctor from the hospital, he tells him that he wants to close his private practice and work at the hospital, he’s tried of working with rich spoiled people.  The doctor asks if he’s in any legal trouble.  Nick tells him no.  The doctor asks Nick about Vietnam.  Nick tells him, and the doctor tells him that he’ll be in touch.  After Nick leaves, the doctor calls the Army surgeon I n Washington to get all the information on Nick. 
   Fallon is waiting for Alexis in her studio when she gets home.  She tells her that she hates what they did and she wants to tell Blake.  Alexis blackmails her into not telling by saying that she would go to Nick and tell him what Fallon did to get him.,  Alexis tells her that she would do anything to get Krystle out of Blake’s life.
   Krystle is bring flowers to Blake’s room, and when she moves a box she finds the letter.  She confronts him at his office with the letter.  She tells him that he owes her a confrontation about it.  She admits that she was attracted to Nick, but she never forgot that she was Blake’s wife.  When she gets her coat she finds  Alexis’ handkerchief.  Blake asks her why he should believe her if she won’t believe him about what happened in Rome with Alexis.  She tells him that she doesn’t care anymore.
   Krystle goes to Alexis’ and returns the handkerchief.  Alexis tells her that they were only talking about Sammy Joe, and her charging things to Steven knowing that he can’t afford them.  Krystle tells Alexis that she knows she only came back to Denver for the money.  She tells her that she thinks she is behind the letter.  Alexis tells her that she will always have a bond with Blake, that she was able to give him two children that that is something that she will never be able to do for Blake.  Krystle tell her that she and Blake deserve each other. 
   In her room Jeannette is helping Krystle pack while she is booking a flight to Chicago.  She asks her if she is going to be gone for a long time.  She tells her that she wishes she wouldn’t go.  Krystle tells her that she has to go.
   Joesph takes Blake to the airport, he finds her in line waiting to board the plane.  He asks her where she is going, she tells him that she is going back to people who are real and honest.   Blake tells her that she is all he has.  She tells him that she just wanted to help him, but he wouldn’t let her.  He tells her that he didn’t want pity, Krystle tolls him that it wasn’t pity it was caring for someone you love.  He tells her that he loves her and needs her , and asks her to stay.  She tells Blake that she can’t  and that she has to board.  Blake turns away as the plan prepares to take off, she walks back to him.  They embrace and he thanks her and promises that it will all work, that they will make it work. 
   Fallon asks Nick why he asked her over.  He tells her that he was wrong and that she is how a woman should be.  He tells her to have her baby, and to get her divorce.  He doesn’t want anymore secret meetings, and for everything to be out in the open.  He tells her that he wants to be with her.
Final Thoughts:  Nick clearly isn’t over Krystle and I feel bad for Fallon, hopefully she will find out and dump his sorry ass.  He's quitting his private practice, which I think he only had because he was trying to get Blake back for his brother's death.  To me it didn't seem like he did much research in finding out if Blake knew about it or no, or if he was even around when it happened.  Blake didn't seem to have much trouble getting everything to prove his innocence.
Best Outfit:  I like that the shoes match the outfit as well and seem to me not appropriate shoe to be working out in.

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