Thursday, February 2, 2012

Royal Marriage

Season 1 Episode 26
Air Date:  March 9, 1979

 Recap:  Lucy and her current boyfriend Kit Mainwaring are at the disco, they are having a great time together.  Lucy suggests they go to his place as they leave the club.  At his apartment she tells him how great it must be to be on your own, she tells him that she would like to go to a college in New England but her family won’t let her leave Dallas.  They kiss, but he pulls away telling her that she’s so young and he doesn’t want to rush her, they play a couple games of backgammon before he takes her home. 
   When they get back to Southfork, they are interrupted from their kiss by JR who has come home, to her surprise he isn’t his usual self, he tells them to have a good time and goes to his room, where he finds Sue Ellen passed out on the bed, with a bottle of scotch practically empty, he takes her shoes off and throws the covers over her.
   The next morning, Lucy is in a great mood, JR is going on about how great it is that Lucy is dating Kit.  She asks Pam to take her to school, but JR stops her and tells her that he’s being genuine and wants to take her and Kit out to dinner with him and Sue Ellen, she agrees. 
   At dinner JR asks Kit about the family business, and Lucy tells them that he wasn’t always interested in oil and cattle, he was also a writer, the waiter brings around more brandy, JR takes Sue Ellen’s glass away, she drunk again.  He tells them that they must have had enough of them, he tells them that he called Jimmy’s Disco and to have a good time.  As they leave Sue Ellen tells him that he’s over doing the Mr. Nice Guy act and that someone is bound to suspect that he’s up to something.  Lucy is sure he’s got something up his sleeve but she can’t figure it out.
   In his office Kit’s father comes in and shows him a invitation that the received from the Ewing’s, when he asks what it means, he gets a really sarcastic reply that they want them to attend.  His father tells him that he’s proud of the way he’s turned himself around, and that even though he doesn’t think much of JR, he would support his son if he married Lucy.
   The night of the party, things are going well, Jock and Miss Ellie are watching their granddaughter, who looks very happy.  JR seems pleased with himself.  Sue Ellen is drunk, as usual, a man is flirting with her, Pam comes over and tries to get her to go upstairs, but she doesn’t want to and tries to take back her drink.  Miss Ellie sees this and comes over and orders Sue Ellen to let Pam take her upstairs.  She thinks Pam is the disgrace, I think being drunk at a party would be more disgraceful for the family, but Sue Ellen doesn’t see herself as a drunk.  Kit sees his parents arrive and he and Lucy welcome them to the party.  Ray and Lucy talk about how much she loves Kit, and he sees them and asks Bobby about them, Bobby asks if he’s jealous, and he says that he is.  JR is trying to talk business with Kit’s father, but he tells him that they can talk when they’ve actually got something to talk about, just then they see Lucy throwing her arms around Kit.  JR knows that this is good news for him.  Lucy runs over and announces that Kit just asked her to marry him and she said yes.
   A few days later, the morning paper has the announcement of the upcoming wedding, Sue Ellen and Miss Ellie talk about wedding plans, they say that they should plan on 300 guest, but Lucy says that she and Kit just want a small wedding, but JR tells her that they have responsibilities.  Lucy says that she wants her parents at the wedding, Jock and Miss Ellie tell her that this is fine, by them and Miss Ellie will write to them with the news.  Lucy asks if someone can take her to Dallas, and JR volunteers, he then tells her that he’s planning on getting her a car for her graduation.
   JR is with the boys from the cartel, they have heard that Mainwaring is going to build a refinery in the gulf, and that Cliff has approved it, they’ve heard the news about the wedding.  JR tells them that he’s got another meeting and leaves them, they know that the two companies will get together and that they need them both.
Bobby and Pam went to Jimmy’s disco with Lucy and Kit, they talk about how much they like him.  Kit and Lucy go to sit down after dancing.  An old friend of Kit’s comes over, Kit introduces Lucy to Sam.  When he leaves Lucy asks who he was, he tells her it was his college roommate.  I’m getting a feeling of déjà vu here, this is beginning to sound like Steven from Dynasty. 
   Lucy and Kit go back to his place, she asks if they are going to play some backgammon before he takes her home, but he tells her no, and then takes her into his arms.  He tells her that he wants her.  Later while he’s getting dressed she tells him that she happy that it finally happened. 
   The next day Kit comes to see Bobby.  He tells him that he has to call off the wedding, Bobby asks him why.  He’s reluctant to tell him, but he does.  He tells Bobby that he can’t marry Lucy because he’s gay.  Ha, I was right, I wonder if we will see Kit again, or is his father going to kill his lover, like Blake did in Dynasty?  He tells Bobby that he didn’t mean for it to happen like this, he fell in love with Lucy and thought that she could change him, he tells him that he and Lucy slept together and he knows that he’s still gay.  He asks Bobby what he should say to Lucy, Bobby tells him that whatever he tells Lucy will hurt her.
   At Southfork, Lucy is opening up gifts from some of Sue Ellen’s friends, they are going to a luncheon in Dallas.  She collapses in a chair and tells them that she’s been having dizzy spell, when they suggest she stay home, she tells them that she’s just fine, she tells them that she’s tired of resting. 
   Kit and JR are discussing the families getting into business together, he tells JR that he’ll have his lawyers contact in soon.  Bobby comes in and tells JR that Kit is going to call off the wedding, JR tells him that he won’t, he has known that Kit is gay and he doesn’t care what this means for Lucy.  He will make sure that the wedding takes place.
   Kit and Lucy have made plans to meet later, the doorbell rings and it’s JR, Kit tells JR that he wants to tell Lucy that the wedding is off, but JR tells him that they’ve got some things to discuss.  JR tells him that Lucy is very much in love with him and that she will help him stay on the right track.  Kit asks if Bobby told him, but JR tells him that he already knew.  He tells Kit that he wants the wedding to go on as planned and that will buy his silence.
   When Lucy gets to his apartment, she asks what he wanted to talk about, but he tells her that it doesn’t matter, then she begins to talk about what she’s going to do after the wedding, she says that she thinks that she might go to college, he interrupts her and tells her that he needs to call off the wedding,  When she asks why he tells her that he’s gay.  He tells her that Sam was not just  his roommate, but his lover..  He tells her that he didn’t want it to happen this way, and that was why he began seeing her.  She tells him that she’ll help him.  He asks her if she can accept the fact that he would go back to Sam or to some other man.  She says no.  He’s learned from loving her, he tells her and that he’s really sorry for hurting her like this.  He tells her that Bobby and JR know, he’s going to tell his parents, but he knows that JR will want a scandal, she tell him that she’ll handle JR.  She wants to know if they can still see each other, he tells her that he would like to but only when it stops hurting, she says that then that will be a very long time. 
   At home JR tells Jock that things are going well and that Mainwaring’s lawyer will be contacting them soon, so that they will be in on the refinery.  Bobby, Pam, Miss Ellie and Sue Ellen, and the ladies from the Daughters of the Alamo all come home, and tell JR about Sue Ellen having another dizzy spell, she says that the doctor told her everything is fine.  Lucy comes home and tells them that she and Kit had a fight and the wedding is off, everyone tells her that it’s normal and they will get back together, but she says no it wouldn’t work because he’s too possessive and jealous, she makes up a story about meeting up with an old friend and Kit getting jealous.  JR wants Jock to tell Lucy that she has to marry Kit, but Jock and Miss Ellie tell him that it’s her choice.  Bobby follows Lucy who is crying in the other room, he tells her that he’s proud of what she did in there, and that eventually it will stop hurting.
Final Thoughts:  Okay so I got this book from a used book store for free, which was pretty cool, and I had planned on reviewing the book then I start watching this episode, and I realize that it covers pretty much everything I've read so far, I think I will still review it, but not till I'm finished with this season.    
Best Outfit:  I went between two dresses for this episode, Pam's dress is awful, and looking back Sue Ellen's was pretty bad.  I can't tell if Pam's outfit is a dress or if it's got pants.  
Fight Count:  0

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