Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kindred Spirits

Falcon Crest
Season 1 Episode 6
Air Date:  January 8, 1982

Recap:  Lance and a girlfriend are fooling around at the pool.  Angela comes home and goes over to him.  She isn’t happy to find him there, he was supposed to be going over some reports.  She tells him that he is reminding her of his father.  He leaves the girl, and goes with Angela to her study.  She tells him that she wants him to check on some property that she wants to buy, and she wants him to take Cole with him.
   Julia tells Angela that she found Emma in her lab experimenting.  She tells her that she is concerned about her and that she isn’t getting any better.  Angela is adamant that there is nothing wrong with Emma.
   Maggie is busy trying to finish some work, when Chase comes in and tries to get her to take a break.  She asks him about Emma, he says that he doesn’t think she is crazy, but she never leaves the house, and they realize that they haven’t seen her since they moved here.  Maggie tells Chase that Julia wants her to talk to Angela, to try to convince her that Emma needs help, and should go to a hospital she’s been researching.     Cole comes in and asks if he can go with Lance on a camping trip, he asks Chase to come too since they haven’t gone camping since he was 9 years old.
   Angela finds Emma, she asks her why she goes off wandering, she tells her to let someone know when she wants to take a walk so they can go with her.
   Vicky tells Maggie that she is trying hard, but none of the kids at her school are interested in the things she likes, they don’t know anything about New Wave, they are just getting into Disco apparently.  She and Maggie go over to Angela’s.
   Chase tells Cole that he’s glad that he talked him into going, Lance wants to get going. 
   Vicky is playing the piano when a dog comes in, she follows him upstairs and hears Emma singing.  Emma tells her that her uncle taught her the song.  She has a flashback to her and her Uncle Jason singing the song and him bringing her to the cottage, he tells her that it is her special place.
   Angela tells them that Emma’s not crazy, Julia says that Emma needs professional help.  Maggie says that the hospital changed her mind about the treatment.  Julia suggests that Angela bring someone to the house to help Emma, Angela says no.
   Emma tells Vicky she wishes she was Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Vicky tells her that Maggie is talking to her mother to try to get her help.  Angela’s butler come in and tells Vicky that she shouldn’t be there and that her mother is waiting for her downstairs.
   Over the campfire Lance tells Chase and Cole that it isn’t easy living with Angela, and it can be very lonely.  Chase tells him that he’s different when he’s not with her, he’s more relaxed, Lance shuts down and tells them that they should get some sleep. 
  Emma sneaks out of the house.
   Cole wants to go look at the petroglyphs, Lance tells them that they need to keep going, but Chase tells him that they won’t take long.  Chase tells them that they should walk their horses up, but the boys don’t do this and end up falling from their horses.  Lance isn’t hurt, but Cole is, his horse is hurt as well.  Chase tells Lance to go get help.  Lance rides off but goes the way they were going instead of the way they came.  He stops at a lake and takes pictures.
   Emma sneaks through Chases fields, while Maggie and Vicky are trying to fix the tractor.  Angela comes by and asks if they have seen Emma, she tells them that she wandered farther than usual.  She then asks Vicky what she and Emma talked about, she said that whatever they talked about upset Emma.  Maggie asks if there is anything that they can do to help, Angela tells her that she thinks that they did enough.  In the house Vicky tells her mother that if Angela was her mother then she would have run away too.  Maggie tells Vicky that Angela is the way she is because she has to be to run Falcon Crest.  Vicky tells her that she needs to be alone for awhile.
Chase shoots the horse, and goes back to check on Cole, he tells his father that he should have listened to him.  Chase tells him that he’s going to find something to use as a splint.
   Vicky is walking and comes across Emma’s cottage, she goes inside and finds Emma hiding inside.  Emma tells her that he Uncle Jason built it for her.  Vicky asks her if anyone knows where she is at, she tells her that everyone is worried about her.  Emma says that she doesn’t want to be sent away, she wants to stay here. 
   Douglas Channing comes over once he hears about Emma, he tells Angela that he won’t leave till Emma comes home.
   Cole asks how long Lance will be, Chase tells him that it may take awhile so he needs to relax.
Emma and Vicky hear some voices outside, Vicky agrees to cover for Emma, she goes outside and tells the men that she hasn’t seen Emma and that she comes out here to do her homework.
   Lance leaves his horse, who’s leg is hurt.  Chase is trying to start a fire but everything is damp.  The two bond, when Cole tells him that he never thought he could measure up to him.  Lance comes upon a cabin, he asks to use the phone, but the lady tells him that they don’t have one, the only place that has one is about 10 miles away.  She takes him to the bedroom and tells him that her husband will be home in an hour then he will drive him to the sheriff, she has him lie down, he tells her not to let him fall asleep.
   Emma tells Vicky that she has a lover and they used to come here.  Vicky tells her that she needs to go, and promises not to tell anyone she knows where she is.  Emma tells her that she will only run away again.     When Vicky gets home Maggie asks if she’s feeling better, Vicky tells her not really.  She wants to know if she wants to talk about it, Vicky tells her that she wants to sleep on it.
   The lady fell asleep too and her husband finds her with Lance.  Lance is taken to the sheriff’s department and put in a cell while they wait for the sheriff to get there.
   Cole is getting hysterical, crying that Lance isn’t coming.  Chase tells him that he needs to relax and that help is on the way.
   Vicky is putting food into her bag, Maggie comes down and asks her if she knows where Emma is, Vicky tells her that she’s got to go to the library.
   The sheriff isn’t really buying Lance’s story, but finally seems to when Lance tells him that he will be the one that his grandmother will blame if his cousin dies.
   Vicky gets to the cottage and finds Emma packing up, she thinks that she told people where Emma was,    Vicky convinces her that she didn’t, and gets her to go back home.
   Chase is making a stretcher to carry Cole out, he says to himself that Lance should have been back by now, when he is about to put Cole onto it, he hears the helicopter, and he signals to it.
   Angela tells Emma how worried everyone was, Emma tells her that Vicky is her friend and that she brought her food.  Douglas thanks Vicky for what she did, Angela doesn’t sharing the same feeling.  Emma asks if Vicky can come over and visit with her Douglas speaks first and tells her of course she can.
Maggie meets Chase at the hospital he tells her that Cole is getting the cast put on, she thanks Lance for what he did for them.
   Angela tucks Emma into bed, Emma says that it’s nice to have a friend to talk to.  Angela asks her what they talked about, she asks if they talked about the night Jason died.  Emma asks her what night.
Final Thoughts:  I liked this episode, since it didn't focus so much on the wine and more about the family.  I thought that Lance came off better in this episode, even though he didn't go for help right away, it just shows that he isn't all bad even if that's all we've seen, he's got it in him to be a better person.  I also liked the scenes with Emma and Vicky, I hope that they have more scenes together and that they resolve the whole thing with Jason's death.  I think that it would be more interesting if more people had an idea that something was wrong with what happened.
Best Outfit:  This is Emma's Little House on the Prairie outfit.
Fight Count:  0

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