Monday, February 27, 2012

Land of the Free

Knots Landing
Season 1 Episode 7
Air Date: February 7

Recap:  Everyone is having a great time at the beach, Val and Karen are watching Diana play volleyball, while Ginger and Laura are playing with Jason in the waves.  Karen tells Val it’s time to get her swimsuit wet, I find this hilarious, since in the last episode she didn’t seem to mind getting her dress wet.  Trouble comes when a bunch of bikers come through the beach, they proceed to harass everyone, driving through the volleyball net, one of the guys grabs Laura.  The leader of the bunch, whose name is Music breaks up the scuffle.  Karen tells them that motorcycles aren’t allowed on the beach, Music says that it’s a free country, I hate people who use that line, if something isn’t allowed then it doesn’t matter if it’s a free country or not. 
   Back at the cul-de-sac they are talking to the police, they didn’t see the license plates, so there isn’t much the police can do, they have to catch them doing something.  Richard tells them that the group will be gone so there is nothing to worried about, he wants his dinner.  The police tell them that the beach patrol was cut due to budget cuts. 
   Karen is still upset about what happened at the beach, she doesn’t think it’s funny when Sid thinks that they had good taste since they were bothering them and no one else.  She goes upstairs and hears Diana talking in her room, she goes inside and she finds Diana practicing lines for the play she is auditioning for, she wants the first lead since Buzzy, the boy she likes is auditioning for the lead boy.
   The next day they all go back to the beach and guess  who comes back the bikers, this time they ride around the group, one of them pulls on Karen and when Michael goes for he practically gets hit, and falls to the ground. 
   Sid meets Karen at the hospital, Michael has to have some stitches, but he’s okay.  Karen is upset because there was nothing she could do to protect him.  On the way home they see the Music and the guy who almost hit Michael, his name is Alien.  Sid tells Karen to call the police and parks the car in front of the bathroom, where Music went.  He grabs a hold of Alien, the police take him into custody, Karen decides not to press any charges against Music since he didn’t do anything to them at the beach.
   Everyone goes over to Karen and Sid’s to talk about he bikers.  Richard tells them that Alien probably won’t be in custody, he won’t have any money so his friends will probably steal something to get the money.  Karen goes to take Diana to her audition.  When she gets home Music comes out of the shadows and tells her that he wants to talk to her.  She calls for Sid and tells him that she’s going to call the police.  When Sid comes out he asks what he wants, Music tells them that he wants them to drop the charges, the other bikers won’t leave without Alien, and so  who knows what they will do while they wait for him to be released from jail.  He leaves and the boys ask Karen and Sid what he wanted, Michael asks her if she will drop the charges and Karen tells him that she won’t.
   The next morning is garbage day, and the bikers pay a visit to the cul-de-sac, they throw garbage in the yard, all over Richard’s car, and they ride through the yards.  Sid and Karen watch as they ride off, when the police come, he tells them that they will have a patrol of the neighborhood, it will take some time for them to get the bikers.  Karen tells them that Richard thinks that she should drop the charges, Gary tells her that he’s only thinking of himself.  Val tells her that she’s glad she’s not giving in, and she tells them how the police couldn’t help her when JR’s boys took Lucy away from her. 
   At Richard’s house, he’s only concerned about his car, Laura asks him what if it was Jason instead of Michael, his response was that it wasn’t Jason.
   Val goes with Karen grocery shopping, Music comes up to them as they are putting the bags in the car, and when they are driving home two girls surround the car and kick at it telling them to pull over.  Val points out a police car, which follows the two girls who drive off.  Karen and Val hurry inside the house and Karen gets a harassing phone call, they can’t get an outside line.
   Laura is going out, she backs out but she realizes that there is a problem, she gets out of the car and sees that all the tires have been slashed.  She looks around and sees that all the cars in the cul-de-sac have been slashed, a biker moves out from behind Val’s car, finishing the job.  Laura runs to get Karen, she tells him what happened as the guy rides off.  She goes back inside and tells Val that Laura is calling Sid and Karen.  They hear a cry outside and run out to see that Karen’s boys fell from their bikes because there is oil all over the street.  She tells  them to get into the house.  Val asks her if she’s okay, and Karen tells her no. 
   Richard goes with Karen when she goes to the station to drop the charges, he tells her that she did the right thing.  Music meets Alien, who wants to get out of town, but Music tells him that he needs to stick around and pay Karen back for keeping him locked up for a day.
   Gary and Val are over at Karen’s house, they hear a motorcycle, Sid goes out to check it out, but it’s only the police officer patrolling the cul-de-sac.  Sid tells them that he’s not sure that it’s over yet.  Gary and Sid go back to discuss advertisements for the dealership.  Diana leaves to go to her rehearsals.  Not long after she’s gone Buzzy, comes back and tells them that the bikers took Diana to the beach. 
   Diana tells them to let her go, they see that Sid is coming towards them.  Music lunges at him, Kenny shows up and starts beating up Alien.  Gary and Richard get to the beach and soon everyone is fighting.  Some of the bikers get away, but the police arrive and take control of the situation.  Richard feels great, even though the only thing he did was chase a girl around the garbage can and hold on to her when the police got there.  But all is as it should be and the beach is safe for everyone once again.
Final Thoughts:  This episode was a bit hard to believe, I can't imagine that the police couldn't do anything to stop the bikers, especially when they trashed the neighborhood.  I thought it was a good episode though.
Best Outfit:  Were you running out of time to put on a shirt?  Seriously it would have taken less time to put on a t-shirt then it would have to put on the jacket and button it up.
Fight Count:  1 (biker gang vs the neighbors)

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