Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winds of Vengeance

Season 1 Episode 4
Air Date: April 23  1978
Recap:  Ray and JR are leaving a couple of ladies at a motel, they were in Waco selling cattle.  As they are leaving the motel, a truck pulls in and two guys start knocking on doors and checking out the occupants till they find the rooms that JR and Ray were in.  They find JR's business card on the ground of the bedroom.  There's a bad storm coming in and they are trying to get home as fast as they can. 
Sue Ellen brings Miss Ellie some lunch, but she's not feeling well enough to eat, since she's got a migrane.  Miss Ellie tells Sue Ellen that she thinks it's time that they started making Pam feel more comfortable, Sue Ellen, tries to say something that JR said, but Miss Ellie stops her, the phone rings.  It's Bobby checking up on them, he tells Pam that it's a hurrican, he plans on going home, but Jock convinces him to stay in Dallas and have dinner with him with some other oil guys.  On the road the two guys are on their way to Southfork, they are going to do what JR and Ray did to their women.  When JR and Ray get home they get ready to go out and get the livestock taken care of before the storm hits.  There's a knock on the door, it's the two guys, they tell Lucy and Sue Ellen that they had some car trouble and ask if they can used the phone.  Lucy flirts with the younger guy and introduces Pam to the two men, from the look Pam gives them, it doesn't seem like she trusts them at all.  Bobby calls and talks to JR, he says that he'll come home, but JR tells him to stay where he is, that they got help from two guys who had car trouble. 
So Ray, JR, Lucy and the two strangers go out and take car of the animals, Ray falls from his horse and they put him in the back of the truck and take him back to the house.  Miss Ellie is feeling a lot better and gets out of bed, she sees the truck pull up and that Ray is hurt, Sue Ellen goes downstairs to help.  While the women minus Miss Ellie, who is still upstairs tend to Ray, the two strangers lock the door.  Now they start to scare the women, talking about how pretty they are, and what they are going to do to them.  They don't come right out and say that they are going to have sex with them, but it's clear that is what the plan is.  The older guy, who's name is Luther, pulls out a gun.  The phone rings again, and he takes Pam to the phone and it's Bobby, she doesn't let him know that there's trouble at the ranch, but he senses it, because she tells him that she and JR and about to play a game. 
Bobby convinces Jock to go home.  Luther tells JR that his wife's name is Wander, and Ray and JR know what this is all about.  He tells them that his wife said that she was kidnapped, drugged and raped.  Ray and JR try get the upperhand, but they are overpowered by the two men.  Miss Ellie comes into the room wanting to know what is going on. 
On the road, Jock and Bobby are stuck, there's a pile up from an accident.  Jock tries to get Bobby to go to a motel, but Bobby insists that they help so that they can get home. 
Miss Ellie tells them that they are messing with the wrong family, Ray is now tied up in the kitchen.  Luther takes Sue Ellen to her house to get her Miss Texas ribbon, while they are gone Pam talks to the younger guy, Peyton, who admits that his sister, Luther's wife probalby was the one to pick up JR and Ray and that she's always looking for a good time, but he's going to help his friend out and decides that he's going to have a real good time with Lucy.  Luther and Sue Ellen are back and he makes her sing the song she sang at the pagent, which was a Barbar Steisand song.
Bobby and Jock find the truck and find a map with the ranch circled and JR's business card, they realize that the two strangers they heard about didn't have car trouble, but are there for some other reason, I guess your glad you listened to your son after all aren't you Jock? 
Back at the ranch, after Sue Ellen has finished her song, and is crying on the floor, Pam tells him what Peyton said about his wife, not being raped.  Luther can't go on with his plans anymore, when her realizes that his wife is really a whore after all. 
Bobby and Jock get to the ranch and go through the back.  Peyton wants to go on with the good time that Luther promised him, but Luther said that it's finished.  Peyton says no and goes for Lucy, and Bobby and Jock burst in and knock Peyton and Luther to the ground.  Jock wants the police called, but Miss Ellie says no, that they need to let them go.  Jock says if he ever catches them there again that he'd kill them.  Everyone leaves and soon it's just JR, Sue Ellen and Ray.  JR tries to help Sue Ellen cover up, but she pulls away and walk away from him.  JR and Ray share a look as they are left to their shame, then Ray hobbles away leaving JR completely alone.
Guest Stars:  Brian Dennehy
Final Thoughts:  Okay I know I'm just four episodes in, but I am finding the first season kind of boring, it's hasn't picked up for me yet.  It might have been this episode, I just found this really painful to watch.
Best Outfit:  I picked Sue Ellen's swim suit because I don't find it flattering on her at all.
Fight Count:  2 (Luther and Peyton vs Pam, JR, and Ray) and (Bobby and Jock vs Luther and Peyton)

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